Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (2025)

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Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#1by Regalis

The release of the Official Live-Action Promo film Containment Breach: Run is coming closer and closer, and the official website for the film is now up! At the moment we're looking at a holiday release, so there's still over a month of waiting before it's out, but in the meantime you can check out the website, the blog posts about the film at and of course the teaser clip in case you haven't seen it yet:

Containment Breach: Run - Teaser wrote:"Containment Breach: Run is the first official live-action project for SCP: Containment Breach, an indie survival horror game that takes place in an underground facility with multiple anomalies running loose.
Being developed by Lotims Inc., the studio behind the game's official trailers, as well as creating the nationally recognized short film Acceptance, the award winning short film The Watching, as well as the theatrically premiered short film The Play Button.

Containment Breach: Run features an all star cast and crew, including Joonas Rikkonen (Creator of SCP: Containment Breach), Kevin McLeod (World Renowned Composer), Aaron McKee (Online famous voice actor, CEO of Pixelgram), as well as the original authors of SCP-173, 106, and 096. The anomalies included in the game

Plot Outline: Following a lone janitor in a top secret underground facility housing some of the world's most dangerous and secretly kept anomalies, a containment breach ensues, and the janitor must now survive the horrific things that are let loose in the facility."

So there you have it. This project has been in development for over 8 months!

It was a massive undertaking, and still is, and hopefully when it is released, you guys can truly immerse yourselves in Site-[REDACTED] and feel the horror of encountering some of the world's most unique and dangerous anomolies.

Can You Survive?

Additional links:
Facebook page
News release
Blog post
Lotims's Patreon campaign

And of course, we're hoping to gather as much attention as possible for the release, so please consider sharing the links around if you're looking forward to the release as eagerly as I am! :)

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#2by Lotims

Thanks for posting this Regalis!

An update: The Lotims website and the Containment Breach: Run website should be more stable. Both of them nearly crashed due to the unbelievable amount of high traffic that happened within a three hour period during announcement.

Can You Survive?

Creator of SCP: Containment Breach Trailers, Creator of Containment Breach: Run.

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#3by Irontaco

Oh wow, awesome, i didn't know Regalis was working on it too. Really Lotims i never expected something like this to come out based on Containment Breach, like, wow, it just kinda makes me happy. Great work and i can't wait to see it.

I'd suppose we'd get a boost on activity after it's out, that'd be great.


roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#4by Lotims

Irontaco wrote:Oh wow, awesome, i didn't know Regalis was working on it too. Really Lotims i never expected something like this to come out based on Containment Breach, like, wow, it just kinda makes me happy. Great work and i can't wait to see it.

I'd suppose we'd get a boost on activity after it's out, that'd be great.

In all honesty, when we started, we didn't expect it to get this big either. 8 months later though, we got some incredible people working on the project and some awesome stuff being prepared to be shown to the world! Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (1)

Creator of SCP: Containment Breach Trailers, Creator of Containment Breach: Run.

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#5by yonzo_rikuo 097

may the force be with you



Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#6by Airplane611

Regalis wrote:The release of the Official Live-Action Promo film Containment Breach: Run is coming closer and closer, and the official website for the film is now up! At the moment we're looking at a holiday release, so there's still over a month of waiting before it's out, but in the meantime you can check out the website, the blog posts about the film at and of course the teaser clip in case you haven't seen it yet:

Containment Breach: Run - Teaser wrote:"Containment Breach: Run is the first official live-action project for SCP: Containment Breach, an indie survival horror game that takes place in an underground facility with multiple anomalies running loose.
Being developed by Lotims Inc., the studio behind the game's official trailers, as well as creating the nationally recognized short film Acceptance, the award winning short film The Watching, as well as the theatrically premiered short film The Play Button.

Containment Breach: Run features an all star cast and crew, including Joonas Rikkonen (Creator of SCP: Containment Breach), Kevin McLeod (World Renowned Composer), Aaron McKee (Online famous voice actor, CEO of Pixelgram), as well as the original authors of SCP-173, 106, and 096. The anomalies included in the game

Plot Outline: Following a lone janitor in a top secret underground facility housing some of the world's most dangerous and secretly kept anomalies, a containment breach ensues, and the janitor must now survive the horrific things that are let loose in the facility."

So there you have it. This project has been in development for over 8 months!

It was a massive undertaking, and still is, and hopefully when it is released, you guys can truly immerse yourselves in Site-[REDACTED] and feel the horror of encountering some of the world's most unique and dangerous anomolies.

Can You Survive?

Additional links:
Facebook page
News release
Blog post
Lotims's Patreon campaign

And of course, we're hoping to gather as much attention as possible for the release, so please consider sharing the links around if you're looking forward to the release as eagerly as I am! Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (2)

Nice! I'm eager too, I'm officially a contributor, helping out with some scripts and dialogues for the characters, texture improving, and sound editing, I feel like this project is gonna be scary, and excellent at the same time! Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (3)

I'm a thread of yarn.


"Run! Get to Gate-A or B! Try to run without SCP's and MTF's spotting you! Try to get items that help, and escape."

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#7by Airplane611

I can't wait for it to come out! It's June, and I think it's gonna be released in the midst of June! Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (4)

I'm a thread of yarn.


"Run! Get to Gate-A or B! Try to run without SCP's and MTF's spotting you! Try to get items that help, and escape."

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#8by Regalis

Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (5)

Removed three pages of off-topic posts and issued Airplane a one month ban for his 4th warning

Re: Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up!

#10by CLgaming

the rake is please


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Containment Breach: Run - Official website is up! (2025)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.